I heart Life


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..Mz. Sexcii As I Wanna Be.. I'm a very focused, independent, & goal-oriented young woman.I kno wat I want in life & I'm not afraid to go after it. I don't trust many, but I don't mind helping others. To understand me & why I am the way I am, one must kno my past, live in my present, and be able to envision my future :-)
HighSchool: Coahoma County High School
College: University of Southern Mississippi
JuniorHighSchool: Coahoma County Junior High School
ElementarySchool: Sherard Elementary School
Music: Hip Hop, Rap, R&B, Rock, some Country....just about anything.
TV: Criminal Minds, Degrassi, Cold Case Files, The Closer
Books: Zane..lol, The books by Dave Peltzer (must reads!!), Eric Jerome Dickey, Eileen Goudge, Omar Tyree, & others
Sports: Add your interests...
Interests: I Love to read. I love helping people. I currently volunteer at an after-school program for kids. I love kids so it's a joy to get to interact with them, even tho most of them think they are grown lol..
Movies: Save the Last Dance, Love & Basketball, Stomp The Yard, Dirty Dancing, Fighting The Odds (Lifetime), Freedom Writers, The Great Debaters, etc.
WhatImInto: I like to hang wit my girls & wit ma boys..we stay chillin. Me & ma girls don't party too much, but when we do, we party HARD!! Please believe it!! I also like to cook, read, swim..I try to stay active...
MyBestFeatures: Me..lol. My Smile...My Eyes...My Body...My Personality...Like I Said...ME!! (I'm not conceited..jus confident)
BestFeatures: ..Mz. Sexcii As I Wanna Be.. I'm a very focused, independent, & goal-oriented young woman.I kno wat I want in life & I'm not afraid to go after it. I don't trust many, but I don't mind helping others. To understand me & why I am the way I am, one must kno my past, live in my present, and be able to envision my future :-)
Dreams: My dream is to finish school & become a nurse anesthetist. Some day I want to design a house and have it built. I eventually want to have a family once I am established & financially stable. I also want to make life better for my parents & my brother because we have struggled 4 so long :-)

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