

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 9 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    Bachelors Degree
  • Job:
    Social Services
  • Has Kids:
    Yes, living elsewhere


Hi, my name is hendarman taufiq, I am just a simple, earthy, traditional and folksy man. Please remember that I am not perfect. We all know that a man should be able to be a good leader, a good couple, and a good friend for you, so with God I hope I can fulfill your basic needs as a wife, as a couple and as a friend. The most important thing in this life is a direction, that is where to go in life. People now has everything but they feel lack of direction in life. A man as the leader of marriage should know the direction/way, should show the way and should lead the way. The direction of life and marriage is actually to worship God, this life is actually our journey to come back to God. Without this kind of thinking/contemplation/meditation, so life and marriage often dissapointing.

By the way, I have been living in a simple lifestyle since I was child, eating traditional cheap food, walking much everyday and everywhere due to a healthy life and for getting inspirations/enlightenment/epiphany. I like villages and Indonesian cultures, there are so many colour of cultures in Indonesia, amazing, thanks God. I am not rich, but not very poor, but I like to support some social and environment activities in Indonesia. I am family oriented. Also I like to play with babies and children of my neighbors when they are playing outdoor in the playing gardens. Actually I like babies, and I want to have many kids :-). Why ?, because they are fun, they make me healthy, spiritful, productive, enthusiastic, meaningful, always smile, feeling happy, feel younger, not feel lonely in this world. What about you ?, do you like to have many kids too ?. I hope you enjoy to kids, because this feeling will be able to end your loneliness too :-).

I am open minded. I am open to your opinion, religion, faith, attitude, suffering, sorrow, naughtiness, and how you see this world. I am open to your cultures, ages, countries, languages. Life is short, we can die tomorrow or at anytime, so we need a right direction of life. There will be an eternal life after our death. I hope God lead you and accompany you in your journey. We can teach and learn from each other about everything, I am sure you have unique capabilties that I do not have, do not worry. I look forward to your letter in my address hdtopxx gmail com. Thanks :-)

Best Regards,
hendarman taufiq

What I am looking for

I am interested in a long relationship (marriage).

She likes to have several babies/kids with me.
She wants to live in Indonesia.